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More Wagons.  

 GWR Permanent  Way 10T steel wagon no. 30903

GWR Permanent  Way 10T steel wagon no. 30903 at Bewley.

This Great Western Permanent  Way open wagon looks too good to use.

 wagon ZBA Db972289

This wagon ZBA Db972289 was on the far side of the yard at Kidderminster in 2013.

This ZBA wagon is well work worn. But how many jobs had the GWR wagon been used for be for the Seven Valley got its black paint out.

 container and flat wagon 39860

This container and flat wagon 39860 were at Arley in 2008.

In the 1920s and 30s and even in British Railways days there many (Far to Many) sizes and shapes of containers. Many of which needed there own wagons to use them. Then the wagon was often put in slow good trains between small stations which then needed a crane to lift them.

Today the shipping contaianer has taken over with it standard sized boxes made of heavy duty steel. The ships have got bigger and the trains of them longer and longer. The Uk thinks of a basic  idear, and every one uses it, and takes it to the next level.

cattle wagon B 891054

This cattle wagon B 891054 was at Highley in 2008

Cattle wagons have now all gone in the UK. Up to the early 1950s there 100s of them. Village stations would have cattle pens and cattle would be put in these pens. Then Cattle Wagons brought along side the pen, and the cattle put in the wagons and taken to large towns like London. You could smell these trains as they went by. (The fish trains smelled even worst, but they were aready dead)

Lorrys now take the cattle to the slaughter houses, and the meat is cut up, befor being moved by road, often in already in the plasic prepriced packets for the supermarkets.

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 Page uploaded 1/12/2019