Railways around Peterborough & The National Rail Network & Heritage railways in the UK
Gloucestershire & Warwickshire Railway

2008 page 5 |
Cheltenham Race Course signal box
Cheltenham Race Course signal box and two fine signals at The Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Cheltenham Race Course station in 2008.
Cheltenham Race Course signal box was opened in 2005 and is a new build signal box. I think the frame was old from another box.
The box is on the site of the old box all of which was removed by BR .
Cheltenham Race Course signal box at The Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Cheltenham Race Course station in 2008 from a train leaving the station. The signal man is waiting to check the tail lamp of the train.
There is a new platform now at the Cheltenham Race Course station, that has been built here since these photos were taken, numbered platform 2 which may not yet be in use in early 2016. Check on there site for a opening date.
The Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway has saved a part of the former Great Western Railways mainline from Birmingham via Stratford-upon-Avon to Cheltenham, line.
Next page is Gloucester Warwickshire Railway 2006 page 1

Page updated 28/4/2020
This website is Ukrailways1970tilltoday.me.uk it is on railways but it is not just on trains but all things railways, with photos, which I have taken from the 1970s till now. I take photos of all things railways, steam diesel and electric trains, signal boxes, wagons any thing that is on the National Rail network, which was BR when I started taken photos.