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'St. James Deeping signal box'
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St. James Deeping signal box on the 5th May 2014
St James Deeping signal box on the 5th of May 2014
This signal box was on the railway line from Peterborough to Lincoln and Doncaster. The Great Northern Loop. This line has at at long last been upgraded and the days of this box were numbered when I took this photo.
This signal box has now been closed and removed. This will give a better view of the crossing from the road junction. The gates have been replaced by barriers. The date the box was to go was March 2014. The Barriers here were to be controled from Lincoln, then from the York signal centre, when that comes fully on line.
This signal box was opened in 1876.
This box has been dismantled by Network Rail, despite a campaign to turn it into a museum. It is hoped the box can be found a new home and rebuilt. I hope I can add more about its fate later. (still no news in 2020)
St James Deeping signal box was not actually in or near to Deeping St James. There was a station here but like many station it was a long way from the villages they served. The village of Market Deeping has got a lot bigger and if there was a free or cheap car park at a new station here it would see more traffic now than when the station closed.
St James Deeping signal box in 2014 from the road
St James Deeping signal box in 2014
St James Deeping signal box in 2014 from the rear.
St James Deeping signal box in 2014 from the rear.
The other crossing gate in 2014
The other crossing gate in 2014 looking a little worn and need of some paint.
The building in the rear is part of the new set up here I think.
Deeping St James on 8th April 2015
The same crossing at Deeping St James on 8th April 2015 with the box and the level crossing gates removed.
This crossing is now controlled from Lincoln and later it will be controled from The York Signal Centre.
This signal box was on the railway line from Peterborough to Spalding  Sleaford and Lincoln and Doncaster on the Great Nothern loop as it is called today. Much work has gone into upgrading this line. This has meant that nearly all the old signal boxes and signals and hand worked crossing gates have all gone. These have been replaced by a new signal center at Lincoln, which is to be replaced, when the York signal Center goes on line.
The next signal box along this line is Littleworth
between James Deeping and Lutterworth  is Stonegate level Crossing
This box was closed in 2014 and the gates were changed to barriers.
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Page updated 27/10/2020