Railways around Peterborough & The National Rail Network & Heritage railways in the UK
EWS Depot
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This page is on Peterborough railways in in the years 2000 to 2013
The Peterborough Depot was transferred to EWS on privatisation.
Class 60s at the Depot in 2003 and 2004
Class 60028 John Flamseed at Peterborough Depot in 2003
This class 60 was stored in 2010, but these class 60s can come in and of store any day. The name John Flamseed is a famous astronomer with a school named after him. I think that is who this engine is named after.
Class 60's
A lot of these class 60s are now in store or out of use. These photos on this page were all taken at the small loco depot which was transferred to EWS on privatisation. In 2003/4 a lot more of this class were then in use.
With the number of new class 66s EWS had a surplus of locomotives. With the world down they were not needed, but now things are picking up they may be. The class 60's fate as a class, is still unknown, but some have been turned into so called Super 60s
The class 60 was only built in the years 1989 to 1993 and is many years younger than some of the other locomotives that are still in use on UK railways.There was a 100 of them built. They have a Blackstone 8MB275T diesel engine. The Class 60 top speed is 60mph.
Class 60 076 still in Mainline Colours in 2004
E W and S class 60049 at the Peterborough Depot
Note that all the pipe work has been been picked out in white (For some Show or open day oe charter train?)
This class 60 had been in use more than some of the class 60s, but was still in its E W and S colours.
E W and S class 60002 High Peak at the Peterborough Depot
EWS 60008 was still in Load Haul colours with the name Gypsum Queen 11 at Peterborough depot in 2003
This class 60 was later painted in EWS red and renamed Sir William McAlpine. It then had a engine falt and was put into store. It has now been put onto a tender list for sale in 2010
This Mainline class 60073 was also at the Depot in 2003
This class 60 since 2003 has been in and out of store but in 2010 was operational
Class 60073 was also on the list of engines up for sale in 2010
EW and S class 60050 and class 60073 next to Peterborough station but still within the Depot.
Class 60007 with EWS branding still in 2006 at the Depot at Peterborough.
Class 60069 and a B1 getting ready for a steam charter in 2006 at the depot at Peterborough.
EWS to DB Schenker Rail
The letters EWS was short for the English Welsh & Scottish Railway Ltd. The name was E W & S on the locomotives for a start, but was later shorted to EWS.
English Welsh and Scottish Railway Ltd (EWS) took over from BR the following BR freight divisions of Loadhaul , Rail Express Systems plus Mainline Freight and Transrail Freight. Later it also took over the National Power Rail Unit and BRs European division called Railfreight Distribution . All these were then merged into one, and called EWS.
In 2007 EWS was bought by Deutsche Bahn. The name was changed in January 2009 to DB Schenker Rail (UK) Ltd.
Only one or two DB Schenker Rail (EWS) class 60 locomotives had been repainted by Oct 2010 The class 60s which were still in use were still in there old colours and there apeared no rush to paint or rebrand them. Most DB class 66s are still in EWS colours in 2018.
This page is about 2003 and 2004 so does not cover the locomotives of class 60 in store this year or put up for sale and the ones that GBRf is using in 2018. Hopfully that page and details will be added later.
This small diesel depot is next to and under Spittle road bridge is just to the north of Peterborough railway station. It had replaced the very large New England MPD when that closed, after the end of steam at Peterborough. The class 08s and DMUs and class 31s used around Peterborough had been all been transferred away to the March MPD at Whitemoor.
To save these and engines having to go to all the way to March for fuel and minor jobs a very small sub shed and refuelling point was built near to Spittle bridge just to the north east of the station. This Depot was used for stabling and the day to day maintaining of these locomotives. It also did every day minor repairs.
When March MPD closed this depot took over the few EWS engines from March. GBRf having its own Depot at New England in Peterborough.
Page updated 13/5/2020